Our company
Explore our exciting career opportunities!
At MB, we believe in inspiring the future of our workforce. We are proud to invest in people’s lives and foster a diverse and inclusive workplace that promotes professional growth for every individual. With our forward-thinking, innovative ideas, and vibrant company culture, we are thrilled to recruit top talent that will lead the way in reimagining employee benefits.
Open Positions
Check out our exciting career opportunities below to start your next adventure with McGohan Brabender. If you do not find a position that meets your qualifications, we want to hear from you!
Mastering the Interview Process
Engage with the insightful expertise of Lauren Ganow, an MB Talent Acquisition Specialist, as she generously shares her tips and tricks, unveiling comprehensive strategies to prepare for the interview process.
These sessions provide not just interview preparation insights, but also an exploration of diverse interview formats, adeptly showcasing skills, and leveraging nonverbal cues and communication subtleties.
MB Internship Program
MB is committed to educating our clients to be the best health care consumers, and each summer, we extend that commitment to our interns. We interview local students interested in learning our part of the business world and becoming members of our internship program. From May to August, the interns take on real-life tasks to become familiar with Sales, Financial Analytics, Strategy & Innovation, Customer Advocate Support, Human Resources, or Corporate Finance. With the experience they gain, some interns consider remaining on during the school year or are hired as full-time employees.
At the end of the summer, our Strategy & Innovation intern creates a video sharing their experiences. Click the link below for the most recent special edition of Side Affects.
MB is very proud of its summer internship program. If interested to learn more, contact us at hr@mcgohanbrabender.com