Navigating Group Health Plans: What is a MEWA?

Join us as we dive into the world of MEWAs with Liz Schneider, MB’s Executive Vice President of Emerging Markets, and Matt Appenzeller, President and CEO of the Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance (SOCA). Discover how SOCA, an alliance of 129 Chambers of Commerce,...

Exploring How Captive Strategies Can Empower Risk Management

Assistant Vice President at Innovative Captive Strategies, Sara Stopulos joins Digital Experience Producer Kenzie McEvily and Chief Marketing Officer Dave Homan for the third episode in this funding arrangement series. Sara has more than 18 years of experience in...
Finding Middle Ground: Exploring Level Funded Health Plans

Finding Middle Ground: Exploring Level Funded Health Plans

In the second episode of our series on funding arrangements, we’re joined by Liz Schneider, Executive Vice President of Emerging Markets at McGohan Brabender. Liz brings her extensive knowledge on employee benefits for small businesses to discuss the increasing shift...